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Integrating ASecureCart with Checkout By Amazon  (Article #: R20090420, Category: Payment Methods)

In order to use Checkout By Amazon ™, you will need to create a Seller Central account at Amazon and register for Checkout By Amazon. The below instructions assume you have already created and verified your Seller Central Account.

When a shopper elects to pay via Checkout By Amazon, ASecureCart will redirect the shopper to Amazon's site. The shopper will log into their Amazon account to complete the transaction. When the shopper clicks the "Place Order" button within their Amazon account to complete the transaction.

Since the completion of the transaction occurs at Amazon, the cart needs to know whether the transaction was successful or not and relies on Amazon's Instant Order Processing Notification (IOPN) for notification of the transaction/order status. The cart's order status will change to Checked Out, Declined or Finalized based on notifications received from Amazon. When the shopper clicks the "Place Order" button, Amazon will notify the cart and the order status will be updated within ASecureCart to the "Checked Out" status. After payment is approved, Amazon will notify the cart and the order status will be updated to Finalized. If the shopper cancels the transaction or the transaction is declined, the order status will be changed to Declined in ASecureCart.

Because the cart relies on Amazon's IOPN, your Amazon Account must be configured properly as described below.

IMPORTANT NOTE - you should ALWAYS verify payment of the order within your Amazon account prior to shipping an order. ASecureCart will mark the order Finalized and send its e-mail notification when Amazon's OIPN notifies the cart that the order was submitted. However, it is possible that the order could be cancelled. The Amazon IOPN will notify the cart when this happens and the cart will update its status accordingly but you should always verify that you have received the funds in your Amazon account before shipping the merchandise.

Amazon Account Settings:
Within your Seller Central account, click the "Settings" tab and then click the "Checkout Pipeline Settings" item to bring up the "Checkout Pipeline Settings" screen.

1. Locate the "Your Merchant ID" value on the "Checkout Pipeline Settings" screen. Copy this value because you will need to add it to your ASecureCart Profile Manager later.

2. There are two "Edit" buttons on the screen. Click the button within the "Checkout Pipeline Settings" section.

3. For the "Shopping Cart Security" setting, verify that the "Accept only digitally signed XML shopping carts." box is checked. If it is not checked, check it.

4. Set the "Integrator URL:" field to

   - replace "YOUR_CART_NAME" with your actual cart name
   - you can leave the "Merchant URL" blank or use it for your own IOPN process. However, you MUST set one of the fields to or the postback will not notify the cart.

5. Click Update to save your settings.

6. Next, click the "Integration" tab. Click the "Access Key" link to view your "Access Key ID" and "Secret Access Key". Copy both of these values.

   - Your "Access Key ID" and "Secret Access Key" values are case-sensitive so make sure you copy both of these values exactly.
   - You will need to add these two values to your ASecureCart Profile Manager, along with the Merchant ID value captured in step 1 above.

7. Your Seller Central account supports both Production (live) and Sandbox (test) environments. Click the "Home" link and make sure your Seller Central account is set for the Production environment.

After making the above changes in your Amazon account, you will need to configure ASecureCart to utilize Checkout By Amazon as described below.

ASecureCart Profile Manager Settings:
1. Log into the ASecureCart Profile Manager.

2. Click the "Payment Methods" option.

3. Click on the "Checkout By Amazon" option to bring up the Checkout By Amazon -specific settings.

4. Enter the "Merchant ID" obtained from your "Checkout Pipeline Settings" (from step 1 above) in ASecureCart's "Merchant ID" field. Also Enter your "Access Key ID" and "Secret Access Key" values (from Step 6 above) into the fields provided and click Save.

Note - ASecureCart is integrated with both Amazon's Live environment and their Sandbox Test environment. Make sure ASecureCart account is set to the same environment as your Seller Central account. Sandbox/test transactions will NOT appear in your live Amazon account.

Other Issues:
Coupons and Global Discounts defined in ASecureCart will not work with Checkout By Amazon. Both coupons and Global Discounts are based on totals but the cart can only submit line items to Checkout By Amazon.

Although ASecureCart Coupons will not work with Checkout By Amazon, Amazon does have their own coupons which you can define in your Amazon Seller Central account. If you define the same codes/values in your Amazon account, those coupons should be able to be applied if the shopper checks out via Amazon while the normal ASecureCart coupons will be applied for non-Amazon payments.

Although Global Discounts will not work with Checkout By Amazon at this time, you can use "Group Discounts". "Group Discount" can behave like Global Discounts by modifying the line item values passed to Checkout By Amazon. When you create a single "Group Discount", the cart will apply the qty discount based on the total qty of items with the same GroupCode, even if they span different line items. This will adjust the line item amount per item. In effect, if you create a single GroupCode and group ALL products to the same code, it will behave like a global discount except it adjusts the line item amount rather than adjusts the grandtotal. Then, the modified line item totals can be passed into Amazon.

To use Group Discounts you would:

1. Define a GroupCode value and the desired discount amount in the Group Discounts screen of the Profile Manager, such as "Group1".

2. Add the following item to each product that you want "grouped" together.

   <input type="hidden" name="GroupCode" value="Group1">

Include the "GroupCode" tag with every "Add to Cart" button on your page. Then, after updating all of the "Add to Cart" buttons, you would eliminate the Global Discount. The end result would be that is would behave similar to a global discount but with updated line item pricing which would be supported by Checkout By Amazon.

Note - the tag page's GroupCode description and the Help popup on the Group Discounts screen contain some additional Help.