QtyMin, QtyMax, QtyMultiple Sample Code

The first example demonstrates the use of the "QtyMin", "QtyMax", and "QtyMultiples" as discrete elements for controlling the quantity of a particular. This example restricts the allowable Qty of an item to multiples of 5 within the range of 25 and 100.

Enter a quantity and click the Submit button. Then, try to proceed to check out from the cart. If the quantity is not a multiple of 5 or does not fall within the range of 25 and 100, you will not be permitted to proceed. Note - this is just a demonstration, so no charges will actually be incurred.

Because the shopper must submit the order to the ASecureCart engine before validating the quantity, the order is initially displayed but the shopper must correct the quantity before proceeding. You would need to add Javascript code in your web page to restrict the Qty value in the client's browser prior to submitting the order to the ASecureCart engine for validation.

  <input Type="hidden" Name="QtyMin" Value="25">
  <input Type="hidden" Name="QtyMax" Value="100">
  <input Type="hidden" Name="QtyMultiples" Value="5">


The first example demonstrates the use of the "QtyMin", "QtyMax", and "QtyMultiples" as discrete elements for controlling the quantity of a particular. This example restricts the allowable Qty of an item to multiples of 5 within the range of 25 and 100.

Enter a quantity and click the Submit button. Then, try to proceed to check out from the cart. If the quantity is not a multiple of 5 or does not fall within the range of 25 and 100, you will not be permitted to proceed. Note - this is just a demonstration, so no charges will actually be incurred.

Because the shopper must submit the order to the ASecureCart engine before validating the quantity, the order is initially displayed but the shopper must correct the quantity before proceeding. You would need to add Javascript code in your web page to restrict the Qty value in the client's browser prior to submitting the order to the ASecureCart engine for validation.

  <input Type="hidden" Name="QtyMin" Value="25">
  <input Type="hidden" Name="QtyMax" Value="100">
  <input Type="hidden" Name="QtyMultiples" Value="5">
